Meaning of Quran

At-Takwir | The Overthrowing

With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.

[81:1] When the sun will be folded up,

[81:2] and when the stars will swoop down,

[81:3] and when the mountains will be set in motion,

[81:4] and when the ten-months pregnant she-camels will be abandoned,

[81:5] and when the wild beasts will be gathered together,

[81:6] and when the seas will be flared up,

[81:7] and when the people will be arranged in categories,

[81:8] and when the girl-child that was buried alive will be asked,

[81:9] for what sin she was killed,

[81:10] and when the scrolls (of deeds) will be unrolled,

[81:11] and when the sky will be stripped off,

[81:12] and when the Hell will be set ablaze,

[81:13] and when the Paradise will be brought close,

[81:14] then everyone will know what he (or she) has put forward.

[81:15] So, I swear by those (stars) that recede,

[81:16] that proceed, that withdraw from the scene,

[81:17] and by the night when it departs,

[81:18] and the morning when it starts breathing,

[81:19] it (the Qur‘an) is surely the word of a noble messenger (Jibra‘il),

[81:20] the one possessing power and a high status with the Lord of the Throne,

[81:21] the one obeyed there, trusted.

[81:22] Your companion (Muhammad ) is not a madman,

[81:23] and he did see him (Jibra‘il) on the clear horizon.

[81:24] And he (the Prophet) is not stingy about (the news of) the unseen.

[81:25] Nor is it the word of an outcast satan (devil).

[81:26] Then where are you going?

[81:27] It is nothing else but a message of advice for all the worlds,

[81:28] for the benefit of anyone from among you who intends to go straight.

[81:29] And you cannot intend (to do anything) unless it is so willed by Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.


Overview of Surah At-Takwir

  1. Title and Position: Surah At-Takwir is the 81st chapter of the Quran. The title “At-Takwir” translates to “The Overthrowing” or “The Folding Up,” describing the cataclysmic events that will unfold at the end of the world.
  2. Verses and Structure: This surah contains 29 verses. It is renowned for its vivid depiction of the Day of Judgment, with cosmic upheavals serving as signs of the coming end times.
  3. Themes and Messages: Major themes include the end of the world, the resurrection of the dead for judgment, the accountability of individual deeds, and the truth of the prophetic message. The surah emphasizes the importance of the Quran as divine revelation and the reality of the afterlife.
  4. Significance in Islamic Thought: Surah At-Takwir is significant for its graphic portrayal of the end times, its emphasis on moral and spiritual accountability, and its assertion of the Quran’s authenticity and the prophet’s mission.

Detailed Explanation

  1. Cosmic Disintegration: The surah starts with powerful imagery depicting the universe’s disintegration, including the darkening of the sun, the stars falling, and the mountains vanishing, symbolizing the total upheaval of the known cosmos.
  2. Resurrection and Judgment: It describes the resurrection of the dead and the gathering of souls for judgment, emphasizing the inescapable reality of divine accountability and the meticulous assessment of every individual’s deeds.
  3. Denial of Truth: The surah addresses the denial and rejection faced by the Prophet Muhammad, underscoring the authenticity of his message and the Quran’s divine origin, which offers guidance and warning.
  4. Moral Imperatives: Through its vivid descriptions of the end times, the surah urges a reflection on one’s actions and the ultimate consequences of those actions in the hereafter, advocating for righteousness and adherence to God’s guidance.
  5. Protection of the Vulnerable: The surah also touches upon the moral responsibility towards the vulnerable, exemplified by the condemnation of the practice of female infanticide, emphasizing the sanctity of life.


  1. Why is Surah At-Takwir named “The Overthrowing”?
    • It is named “At-Takwir” due to its portrayal of the universe’s dramatic transformation and disintegration, marking the onset of the Day of Judgment.
  2. What are the key events described in Surah At-Takwir regarding the end times?
    • Key events include the darkening of the sun, the scattering of stars, the seas erupting, and the mountains crumbling, all symbolizing the profound changes that herald the end times.
  3. How does Surah At-Takwir emphasize the accountability of deeds?
    • It emphasizes accountability by illustrating the resurrection and gathering for judgment, where every soul will face the consequences of their earthly deeds, underscoring the importance of righteousness.
  4. What message does Surah At-Takwir convey about the Quran and prophethood?
    • The surah reaffirms the Quran’s authenticity as divine revelation and validates the Prophet’s mission, highlighting the significance of heeding the prophetic message for guidance and salvation.

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